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歡迎來到Zoe 與 Lufiya 的blog"Cool慶端午"
Welcome to Zoe and Lufiya's the Blogger "Cool celebrates the Dragon Boat Festival".
Which we want to introduce is the origins and customs of Dragon Boat Festival.

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IcOoLZoe 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

        Duān wǔ jiéyòu chēng wéi wǔ wǔ jiéyīn wèi duān wǔ jié shì zài nóng lì de wǔ yuè wǔ rìshì sān ge zhòng yào de zhōng guó jié qìng zhī yīqí tā liǎng ge fēn bié shì zhōng qiū jié hàn nóng lì xīn nián
        Zhè ge jié rì de yóu lái shì gǔ dài zhōng guó yǒu yí wèi guān lì qū yuán Yóu yú wú fǎ huò dé huáng dì de zhòng shìqū yuán zài yōu yù de qíng kuàng xià tóu mì luó jiāng zì jìn
        Yóu yú duì qū yuán de ài dàimì luó jiāng pàn de jū mín cōng máng de huá chuan zài jiāng nèi xún zhǎo qū yuánbìng qiě jiāng mǐ diū rù mì luó jiāng zhōngyǐ ping xí mì luó jiāng zhōng de jiāo lóngJí shǐ tā men dāng shí bìng méi yǒu zhǎo dào qū yuándàn shì tā men de xíng wéizhí dào jīn tiān zài duān wǔ jié de shí hòuréng rán bèi rén men chuan song jì niàn zhe
       The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar.  It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year. 
       The origin of this summer festival centers around a government official named Chu Yuan.  Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river.
       Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.  Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.


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IcOoLZoe 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1.Duān wǔ  jié                        

The Dragon Boat Festival (honoring Chu Yuan, a great statesman and poet just prior to the Chin dynasty)
2.子     zòngzi

Glutinous rice dumpling (rather like a tamale, 粽子 are made from sticky rice filled with simmered pork, egg yolks, peanuts and other ingredients)

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瑪莉          你身上怎麼有一種特別的香味呢?
Mǎ  Nǐ shēn shàng zěn me yǒu yì zhǒng tè bié de xiāng wèi ne?
芳芳         今天是農曆五月五日端午節,我掛了一個香包。
Fāng fāng  Jīn tiān shì nóng lì wǔ yuè wǔ rì duān wǔ jiéwǒ guà le yí ge xiāng bāo
瑪莉         真漂亮。材料是什麼呢?
Mǎ   Zhēn piào liàngCái liào shì shé me ne?
芳芳         用絲線和綢布做的,裏面有香料,據說可以避邪。
Fāng fāng  Yòng sī xiàn hàn hé chóu bù zuò delǐ miàn yǒu xiāng liàojù shuō kě yǐ bì xié
瑪莉         端午節還有什麼習俗?
Mǎ   Duān jié hái yǒu shé me xí sú?
芳芳         太多了,像包粽子啦,划龍舟啦,都很有意思。
Fāng fāng Tài duō lexiàng bāo zòng zi lāhuá long zhōu llādōu hěn yǒu yì sī
瑪莉         粽子是用什麼做的?
Mǎ   Zòng zi shì yòng shé me zuò de?
芳芳         用竹葉把糯米和肉、香菇、蛋黃包起來。
Fāng fāng Yòng zhú yè bǎ nuò mǐ hàn ròuxiāng gūdàn huáng bāo qǐ lái
  Ài chī tián delǐ miàn kě yǐ bāo hóng dòu xiàn érMíng tiān dài yí ge gěi nǐ cháng cháng
瑪莉        : How come you have such a special fragrance on?
芳芳        : Today is the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. I am carrying a potpourri pouch.
瑪莉        : It looks so pretty. What is it made from?
芳芳        : It is made from silk cords and silk fabric, and is stuffed with fragrant herbs. It’s said that it can ward off evil spirits.
瑪莉        : Are there any other special customs on the day of Dragon Boat Festival?
芳芳        : There are quite a few, like eating rice dumplings and racing dragon boats. They are all very interesting.
瑪莉        : What are rice dumplings made of?
芳芳        : The filling of rice dumplings is composed of sticky rice, meat, mushroom, and yolk, and is wrapped with bamboo leaves.
  There is also sweet flavor filled with red beans. Tomorrow, I will bring you one to taste.



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